Plastindsprøjtningsform Kina

Plastic injection mold china Sositar mold design and Manufacture the highest quality plastic injection molds in China. We are familiar with international standards and can provide all solutions with hot runner systems or multiple cavity plastic molds. Capabilities:...

Kina støberi, støberi, støberi, plaststøberi

china mold makers, mouldmaker, molder, plastic moldmaker A China mold maker (China mould maker in British English) or China molder is a skilled trades worker who makes molds in China for use in metalworking and other manufacturing industries. It is sometimes regarded...

Variationer af sprøjtestøbningsprocessen

Variations of the Injection Molding Process There are three types of injection molding presses in use today:  electric, hydraulic, and hybrid. The hydraulic press has superior clamping pressure and accounts for a majority of the injection molding presses used in the...

Sprøjtestøbning af plast Kina

Plastic Injection Molding China Sositar Molds and Plastic Ltd is a plastic injection molding factory in China, We can manufacture and assemble your plastic injection molding products as your special specifications. We make new moulds from your CAD files, reverse...